Neptunus obtains audits for ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and SCC certification

Neptunus obtains audits for ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and SCC certification

Quality, safety and sustainability are of the highest importance at Neptunus. We prove this once again with the renewal of our ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and SCC** certification. In cooperation with KVGM, Neptunus is continuously working on optimizing its internal processes. This has resulted in the renewal of our certifications. In addition, this year we also switched to the new version of the Dutch SCC**, SCC** 2017/6.0 respectively, with which we pay even more attention to the safety awareness of our employees.

ISO 9001 proves that we have developed a structured working method in which we continuously focus on improving customer satisfaction. It demonstrates that we are a reliable company that has designed its internal processes to guarantee the optimal quality of our products and services.

ISO 14001 shows our commitment to sustainability. Responsible handling of the environment and the surroundings in which we work is one of the most important pillars of Neptunus. We have developed our products to contribute to a more sustainable and responsible society.

With our SCC** certification, we demonstrate that all our employees are able to perform their tasks in a safe, healthy and environmentally responsible manner through professional training, company instructions and regular information and instruction.

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