Event Structures

A mix of high-tech innovative design and high quality, durable components

Evolution: one of the most technologically advanced temporary structures available in today’s market

The Evolution is one of the most distinctive accommodation types offered by Neptunus. Because of the use of sustainable materials, the Evolution is ideal for short as well as long-term use. Thanks to the ingenious construction system, the aluminium space frame roof construction is lifted by means of a hydraulic system. This means the Evolution can be set up surprisingly fast.

The set-up is customised and, of course, your wishes play a decisive role. Ideal for high-quality events such as sports events, product launches or trade fairs, and thanks to the insulation values, it is also often used as a temporary trade fair venue, restaurant or event accommodation for winter events.

  • Clear spans up to 40 metres
  • Heights of 5 to 12 metres
  • Hydraulic lifting technology ensures a surprisingly fast assembly time

Features Evolution

With a height of 5 to 12 metres, a large free span and unlimited length, the Evolution is the ultimate solution for many organisations. (The Evolution IV is 4 meters high and does not have an aluminium space frame).

Thanks to the height of the Evolution we can also fit Mezzanine floors to provide a two or three-storey multifunctional, temporary building

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Neptune-Evolution-Company Party-Neptunus-Kessel-Tent

Want to use the Evolution for your event ?

The Evolution is available in different (technical) models. Which model suits you depends on your purpose and the location. We are happy to help you choose the right type. Feel free to contact one of our consultants.

Are you interested in the Evolution?