Dining Halls

Modern, flexible temporary restaurants, canteens and cafes

Dining Halls & Company Restaurants

Designed to meet the ever-growing needs of businesses and organizations, our modular café buildings have everything you need for catering and hospitality.  Whether you are thinking of expanding your business and are considering hiring more staff on a temporary or permanent basis, or you are renovating your current canteen facilities, our temporary modular restaurant buildings might be the solution you have been looking for.

Neptunus temporary buildings are an ideal solution for a canteen, welfare facilities, kitchen facilities or pop-up restaurant. They are sustainable and relocatable with modular dimensions and fast delivery. Aligned to a basic need for space, Neptunus temporary buildings can support a business’ long-term objectives as well as provide an interim solution to a temporary problem.

As a cost-effective alternative to real estate, Neptunus temporary buildings can also enable businesses to market test a new location when there may be uncertainty regarding future space requirements or expansion plans.

What are temporary modular café buildings?

Our temporary modular café buildings have been specifically designed to house everything you need to operate a successful dining facility. Whether you are creating a canteen for students or employees, you are renovating your current premises, or you require a modular café building for an event, our temporary modular restaurants can be custom built to suit your needs.

Offering a turnkey solution built to your set of specific requirements, we can even build a temporary catering kitchen to sit alongside your temporary dining hall. Thanks to our revolutionary Evolution and Flexolution technology, we are able to create a structure that looks and feels like a permanent building.

Constructed from durable and recyclable components, our modular restaurants can provide additional dining space for the short and even the long term. Not only are our temporary canteen facilities quick to erect, but they can also be efficiently removed and re-let to new users once the need no longer exists.


Available for hire or purchase temporary space offers maximum flexibility

  • Rigid roof and walls, no fabric parts

  • Fast delivery and build times

  • Useful operational life from a few months to several years

  • Energy efficient: Fully insulated

  • Sustainable: Can be fully dismantled and reused

  • Modular: Flexible dimensions and design

  • Appearance and characteristics of a permanent building

  • Minimal foundation requirements

  • Hire or purchase

dining halls Case Studies

Temporary dining facilities Merck

dining halls Case Studies

Somerville College

dining halls Case Studies

Wine tasting facility in the ‘Garden of England’

dining halls Case Studies

Temporary restaurants Traube Tonbach

dining halls Case Studies

Temporary dining facilities Merck

dining halls Case Studies

Somerville College

What sort of modular café buildings can Neptunus build?

Creating solutions for everyday problems, our modular café buildings can be custom built to suit your needs and your site. Made from our revolutionary Evolution and Flexolution technology for cost-effective and fast construction, our temporary restaurants are flexible, adaptable, and sustainable with a high-quality finish.

It is not just temporary canteen facilities we can provide. We can also create a temporary catering kitchen to sit alongside your temporary dining hall, which is just what we did for Oxford University’s Somerville College. Following the refurbishment of their dining and kitchen facilities, we took three weeks to erect a temporary commercial kitchen, dining hall and long corridor. It is also how we helped the Merck Group; providing a temporary and contemporary staff dining hall. We were responsible for the entire project.

When is a temporary restaurant beneficial for you?

  • If you need extra space fast
  • You temporarily have more staff
  • There is increasing demand for extra space in your canteen, school dining hall or company restaurant
  • To bridge a gap for a specific period i.e. during rebuilding or renovation works
  • To replace or extend existing facilities
  • Following a disaster such as a fire

There are many reasons why a temporary dining hall or company restaurant might be beneficial for you. For information or advice get in touch today.

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